Monday, June 2, 2008


Just a short post to let everyone know we made to Seattle safe and sound.
I wish I could say that I took the picture.
Truth is I didn't, I found it on
We got above a cloud bank somewhere east of the Rockies, and didn't see a lot. Only glimpses of the Cascades, still snow covered.
We could see the top portion of Mt Rainier on approach to Sea-Tac airport, but then we dropped into the clouds and didn't come out until about 1000 ft.

No new news on Matt's arrival.
He called from Ballad on Friday and said everything seems to be on schedule.
I hope to get some pictures today, but it's rather cloudy and cool, 55 degrees, so we'll have to wait and see.

Hard to imagine cloudy in Seattle isn't it?


  1. Dad, let me be the first to say Congrats on the first safe flight for your family. The second safe flight will be Matt and about two hundred other happy GI's. Great picture even if you didn't take it. I am sure you will find something to take pictures of while waiting on Matt.

    Ballad is good. On of the ladies I work with has a son-in-law there. It won't be long now, enjoy the time in Seattle and pretty soon Matt will be there.

    Prayers for the whole familly


  2. Dad,

    Glad you made to Seattle safely. You are now down from counting months to weeks to days to, finally, hours. You are almost done.


    Airborne Dad

    PS: I know nothing about any suspicious fire at a lobster house in Boston. :)

  3. yeeeeehawwwwww.

    where is Ballad??

  4. Ballad is in Iraq.
    It is an airbase, and one of the biggest bases is in country.
